Rainbow Bridge

“Beyond the Rainbow Bridge, there are meadows and hills for all of our furry friends so they can run and play together – without pain . There is plenty of food, water, and sunshine; our friends are warm and comfortable.”  Here, on this page, we want to honor and remember each of our furry friends’ lives. They passed feeling loved, surrounded by compassionate people who care about them, and as part of (foster) families. As sad as it is to lose any of our cats, we knowingly take in senior and geriatric cats, as well as tiny orphans – the ones needing our help, love, and support the most. Please help us remember each and every single one of these cats. 

Ms Peanut Butter With overflowing sadness, gratitude, and love, we said goodbye to our newest arrival of yesterday morning: Ms. Peanut Butter. As beat up as she was when she was found as the only surviving kitten barely hours old, inside a box thrown away into a dumpster, she would never again know the pain of solitude, or neglect. Her little body was just not able to sustain what would’ve been ahead of her throughout the night and beyond. It was peaceful, she was not alone as she was surrounded by love and given a name to remember her by. Although her foster dad’s heart is broken, she is just one visible soul of our mission. We will miss you, little girl. Ms Peanut Butter, may your beautiful Spirit run free! With from all SOS kitties and foster parents (May 13, 2018)

Mullen2Mullen  Let us celebrate the life of an adorable little man in one of our hospice foster homes, the love and care he received there as well as the experience of what “being home” felt again. Mullen was FeLV positive and in renal failure when he came to us from Phoenix. He received a lot of medication and sub-fluids daily and not once fought back or showed displeasure. On December 28, it was time for our Mullen to cross the rainbow bride; even in the end his foster mom ensured he was not alone by holding his paw and continuing eye contact. Run free little Mullen; you touched many, left your paw prints on our hearts, and will not be forgotten. You’re pain free and home at last. (Dec. 28, 2015)

Parsley  was rescued from Parsley1the local shelter by a fabulous foster as a “fospice” (“forever foster” aka hospice foster). He was regressing in the shelter environment and it seems that he held onto life while in the shelter and stopped fighting when he felt safe in his foster home. At that time his true medical condition surfaced and he had to be in vet care around-the-clock. After a week of hospitalization in the vet office, Parsley crossed the Rainbow Bridge while his fabulous foster mom held his paw. We are glad he found his forever home and crossed over knowing he was much loved and cared for.
RIP Sweet Boy … know you were loved! “Thank You” to our foster mom Susan for trying and caring and to Dr. D at Bernarda for
all she did for Parsley. (Aug. 12, 2015)

11053729_934813096571516_8812325643971091075_nGonzo, our sweet, little, always happy Gonzo has crossed the Rainbow Bridge on July 20, 2015. His little heart stopped beating during his neuter surgery. It is always sad when we lose a fur kid and it is extremely hard when it happens so unexpectedly. Gonzo was loved by so many, especially his foster mom, furry foster siblings, and mostly by his sister Pixie who has to conquer the world without him now. He left his tiny paw prints all over our hearts, he will be missed dearly, and we will not forget a single moment. Run free, little fur-ball! (July 21, 2015)

SOS Cat Rescue AZ, P.O.Box 35002, Tucson, AZ 85740-5002, phone (520) 445-3889

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